Tuesday, January 22, 2019

An open letter

All my friends,
                         Today instead of just writing a mere blogpost I am writing a letter to all my friends. This idea dawned upon me yesterday not because today is a special day. But today can be the starting point of many special days in our life. Today is 23rd January. 

We all know the significance of this date I don't have to give a reminder to you. When I was a child, a question often asked to me by my friends, teachers, relatives etc. No, No, don't think they just asked me, What do you know about 'Netaji'? Or what do you think about him? These questions were just to keep us updated about one of the greatest sons of this country. The most famous question then was this : What do you think about his death? Do you believe that he is still alive? For 61 years this question is one of the hot topics that Bengalees discuss among themselves. Obviously it is now official that he died on 18th of August 1945. He wasn't fortunate enough to watch his country gaining freedom after 200 years of British raj. In 2016 our central Government released the classified files about Bose's death. I know today all over Bengal people will gather and celebrate his birthday. Garlands of flowers, songs of patriotism, cultural events and many more things will happen to remember him. This things are required but I just want to say something. It is good mental exercise to theorize how he died. There are several theories about him being alive. Gumnami Baba, Photo bombing in a picture of our former Prime minister Lal Bahadur Shastri etc. But just put this things aside and analyze his life not about his death. If you put these theories aside you will see a man of action, a person who's fire never deemed after going to jail for so many times. He revived a whole Indian Army to fight the war of freedom. So try to be fearless like him. Try to follow his footsteps. Lastly, as Netaji has spoken to me over the internet :" One individual may die for an idea, but that idea will, after his death, incarnate itself in a thousand lives". 
Let's start this today if we hope to see a better tomorrow. 
                            Happy Birthday Netaji

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