Friday, January 10, 2020

The essence of Calcutta University part- 2

In my last blog, I mainly covered the primary hustle for the establishment of Calcutta University. Today I am going to tell you the glorious history of this iconic University.
After successfully passing down the act, the British Government appointed Indians who were well aware and educated in Western Education and by forming a committee they excepted the need to build universities in India. They permitted to build universities in Calcutta, Bombay and Madras in 1854, in July. To ordain rules and regulations for the newly formed university a committee was founded. As Indian members Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar, Ramgopal Ghosh, Ramapada Roy were there in that committee. The process finished in 1856. In 1857, 24th of January Governor-General Lord Canning gave his signatures to enact the " Act of Incorporation" or popularly known as "University Act, 1857". To ensure that this act should be enforced properly senet of 40 well-known persons were formed fairly quickly. The 1st meeting of this senet was held at the Calcutta Medical College in 1857, 3rd of January. Just to tease you ( because history does that quite often to us) mark the year. So, you might say to your friends --- ' Hey, do you know Calcutta University and Sipahi Mutiny are both contemporary'? Now pay attention to the next few lines or so. These were the preamble of the Act of University at that point time---- " the basic objective of the university to encourage Her majesty's subjects of all classes and denominations, in the pursuit of a regular and liberal course of education".

 Interesting, isn't it? People who invaded almost 90% of the human race talking about "Liberty". Whatever, I don't want to diverse. The committee appointed Governor-General Lord Canning as the 1st Chancellor and as a Vice-Chancellor they appointed Sir James William Colevile --- Chief Justice of Calcutta Supreme Court of Judiciary at that time. From 24th of January 1857 to 24th of January 1858 he was appointed for that post. Alexander Duff, Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar, William Gordon Pratt, Henry Udro, Dr Fredrik J. Mouat, Mohmad Woaji( Chief of Calcutta Madrasa) were the members of the senet. In 1890, 1st of January, for the first time a tradition was broken to appoint a European Vice-Chancellor. As a 1st Asian Vice-Chancellor, Sir Gurudas Bandhapadhay took over the responsibilities of Calcutta University.
So, everything was set. The act has been passed down, Committee has been formed. But wait for a minute, Where will we teach? Believe it or not, there was no permanent house for Calcutta University. As the first register, Professor William Granel of Presidency College categorized four faculties--- Engineering, Medical, Law, Literature and rented some rooms( yes, some rooms) in Camac street to start Calcutta University. The senet held their meetings in the Writer's Building. The first-ever examination taken under Calcutta University was L.M.S in 1857, 2nd of March. In that month the university started taking Entrance exams, which was given by 244 students. After eleven years in 1866, that number raised to 1114. At that time, only college students were allowed to give the exam. However, the rules changed in 1859. In 1862, University introduced the F.A exam for the very first time. Apart from English, there were other subjects like – Sanskrit, Bengali, Urdu, Hindi, Greek, Latin, Arabic, Farsi and many more. After five years of hustle, finally in 1862, 14th of June the senet raised the issue that Calcutta University needs its residence which will include at least two Hall room, Library, register's office, reading room, meeting hall, room for Vice-Chancellor, record room etc. This house was named the " Senet House". Bengal's Lt. Governor chose a spot near Hindu college which is the residential address of Calcutta University up till today. Though at that time, there was no existence of Dwarbangha Building and Asutosh Building. The place where these two buildings are situated now was a market called " Madhab Babur Bazar". There was also a slum area there. After 1912-13 this market was moved to the junction of College St and Mahatma Gandhi Road. Which we today know as " Barnaporichoy".
  • University act( 1904), Lord Curzon and Sir Asutosh Mukherjee:

After the university act of 1904, for the first time truly Calcutta University became an institution, just like Oxford and Cambridge. This act was approved by our " favourite" Lord Curzon. What, not a big fan of him? Doesn't matter though. In 1901, an educational conference was held in Shimla, where Lord Curzon proposed this act and also formed 'University commission'. Under this act, Calcutta University can now include research in almost all subjects, it can build its library, research labs, museum etc. Under this act, the senet can't elect their men. These men now will be chosen by a proper election and have their time limits of work. With this act, Lord Curzon introduced a very democratic way to run the university. What? Now you think he is not that bad huh! Ok, if you are having this thought right now just remember that he tried to tear apart Bengal(1905). With this act though, Indian Government( I mean Indian- British Government) had to pay Calcutta University for the smooth conduct of it. Before this only Punjab University had this privilege. Although, enforcing the law wasn't easy. Who wanted to hide behind the skirt of old methods were against it. They started to interrupt and the enforcement delayed because of this. Finally after two years, in 1906 it was officially granted. After the enforcement of the act, Sir Asutosh Mukherjee became the Chancellor of Calcutta University. He was elected for this post five times between 1906 to 1923. By using this law he significantly increased the exposure of Arts and Science studies. He also increased the scope for researchers. He collected money from Dwarbhanga's king Rameswar Singh and built " Dwarbhanga Building". With the help of Sir Taraknath Palit and Rashbihari Ghosh, he built a science college in Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy Road. This was the beginning of the expansion of Calcutta University. In 1916, to give honour to this legendary personality "Asutosh Building" was established. In 1937, 'Asutosh Museum of Art' was built. Before 1947, there were 216 colleges under Calcutta University[ Undivided Bengal]. 

I hope you enjoyed this. But hey I am not finished yet. In my next blog, we will talk about the role of this university in Bengal Legislative and some more about it's as they say " Eternal Glory".

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